\_@yarmand coding tales_/

Old school programmer adventures in a world of stratuper.

Subject Following to Better Filter Social Network Posts

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who follow Twitter introduced public posting and follow concept from the beginning and have been copied by Google+ and more recently by Facebook with the subscribe button.

But profile follow is a one way selectors. It partially cover the issue because it ignore that a single person produce infos on differentes domains.

As a normal human, I am curious about several subjects and I produce infos about several subjects.

In my case, I produce informations as a software programer and as a dog trainer. These are completely unrelated subjects followed by completely different people I don’t want to bother with non accurate infos. To prevent that, I have to use multiple profiles and split my identity across them. It can become a nightmare or drive me Schizophrenic.

So following an identity is not enough. To be efficient we should follow somebody about subjects.

for example I can follow @DHHon Ruby or programming but not on skate boarding.

One social profile/identity should propose several subjects (including a global one). I should post to a subject the same way today I post to a google circle, but as the opposite of google circles, this is not me choosing people receiving infos, this is people choosing to follow my public subjects.

This way we get the double filter of choosing the most interesting people only on subject we care about.

The main drawback of this method is to reduce Serendipity which is the life of the internet. As a first response, I should say that every infos producer will have the responsibility of posting unrelated infos on subjects at a frequency acceptable to his followers.
